Maybe You Are The Lesson Whom You Met.


Have you ever thought, that Allah planned all the things in this universe? 
And that is include the things that you felt it's  just flew away like the ordinary day...? 

Lately, it's cross on my mind, why did I meet people : Ms. A, Mr. B, C, etc. 

Why did I feel so terrible in having such communication with Ms. A
or Why did I enjoy having conversation with C,
or Why did meet Mrs, B who has opposite character.

First thing we need to realize is that Allah's plan is good. All is good. 
Maybe U met someone who you dislike will teach you a lesson about patience, understanding others, and etc. 
Or maybe U met someone with whom you liked to talk to, it is as a gift from God. That you can share knowledge, feeling, etc. 

Or if you don't know the reason , maybe you are the lesson whom you met. 
And if this the reason, please only deliver the good deeds, good  manner, so Allah will bless you. 


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