spasi spasi

Bagai kumpulan text, perlu ruang kosong untuk dapat membacanya dengan jelas.

Bagai lokasi, perlu jarak untuk membuatnya tidak sesak.

Bagai runutan peristiwa, perlu jeda untuk mampu mengenang episode yang sudah dilalui.

Bagai gerak, perlu kejap tarikan nafas untuk terus melaju

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Takes Time

What thing does need 'takes time'?

For how long?
MayB for the rest of your life

What kind of learning?
Learn to be wise
Learn to be smart
and to be a thankful slave of Allah.

Why does learning need 'takes time'
Coz the lesson is the whole episodes of your life
U can't be wise at the moment or
in a very flash period you become a smart one.
U have to walk in every path of your episode, then you can feel and think and grab many things in there.
That's wahy it takes time

Would be the 'takes time' useless or useful?
It depends on your orientation
You wanna His Bless or U just wanna everything going right?
you're gonna focus on the process or the result?
If your first orientation is His Bless, then...
Insya Allah He'll gonna give you the credit point...

But I often being an impatient person; How can I enjoy the 'takes time'?
Yup ...
Yes you can enjoy it. Coz you have a bounch of patients stock and
U have Allah with His thousands of help for you.

May I grumble to Him that sometimes the lesson is so hard for me?
Hm... That's a human nature ya ...
You don't need to grumble coz He knows everything.
Why don't you ask Him to lead you, to make everything easy to understand, and ask for the solve.
It is more solutive than grumbled.

Have you tried all the tips above?
I'm trying and keep trying; theres's never 'I have tried'.
There's only I'm trying and trying and trying.

WA Floor 11; 16/11/2006 7 AM

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