spasi spasi

Bagai kumpulan text, perlu ruang kosong untuk dapat membacanya dengan jelas.

Bagai lokasi, perlu jarak untuk membuatnya tidak sesak.

Bagai runutan peristiwa, perlu jeda untuk mampu mengenang episode yang sudah dilalui.

Bagai gerak, perlu kejap tarikan nafas untuk terus melaju

Tuesday, October 30, 2007



Kemaren ngobrol dengan Pak Andi...
Bermula dia mau pinjam access card aku untuk bisa masuk ke ruangan ini saat Sabtu / Minggu. Katanya siyh mau ngangkutin barang. Well, kalo ngangkutin barang, asosiasiku langsung tertuju ke 1 kata : resign dari perusahaan ini karena sudah diterima lamarannya oleh perusahaan lain. Bisa jadi loka, atau overseas.

Dan... keluarlah pengakuan dari dia. Bahwa beberapa hari yang lalu dia ngobrol dengan temannya via ruang maya. Temannya itu tinggal di ehm... Timur Tengah la ya.., lupa tepatnya di negara mana. Yang jelas sepertinya siyh udah welfare. Nah... Pak Andi ini terinspirasi dari temannya itu. dan keluarlah filosofi itu ...

kita ga akan tau dunia luar sampai kita masuk ke dunia luar itu. Seperti mobil, kita ga tau kecepatan mobil itu sampai mobil itu kita kendarai dan coba kecepatan maksimalnya.

Well done Pak Andi. Going overseas, ehether for travelling or staying there is also part of my obsession. That's not because I hate this land (well... a bit la ya. tapi kan yang musti disalahin bukan landnya. tapi penghuni land tersebut); it's because I wanna see ALLAH's creatures in the other side of this earth. And... I'm sure, totally sure I can make it. AMIEN !!!

WA 30/10/2007 jam istirahat atau 12.16

Friday, October 26, 2007

Hati Kamu Udah Gitu Siyh ...


Dian : 'Wah... kalo Pak Aang yang kirim email ke buyer ko direspon yah? Kalo gwe kok ngga ya Pak?'
Pak Aang : 'Ya... itu karena hati kamunya aja udah begitu.'
Hani : serasa tertimpa gada menujam hati.

Itu dialog yang terjadi kemaren. Ceritanya begini ...

Kamis adalah hari weekly report nasional buat divisi ku.
Lumayan take a serious attention. Bahkan, email yang biasanya kutunggu pun aku minta untuk di freeze. (he..he.. walopun deep inside my heart I miss it).

Truz... aku juga musti berkoordinasi dengan buyer dari Group Head lain. Dan... aku pernah punya pengalaman yang aga ga enak dengan beberapa personil. Hm, ga exkstrim siyh, kami hanya mendapatkan aroma jutek nya aja. Dan itu wajar, secara mereka hectic di pembuatan dokumen pengadaan plus ditambah diburu-buru pula sama kami. welehh... ya terang aja jadi begitu.

Ini tentang karakterku lagi. Karakter yang kudu dibenahin. Iya... ternyata phlegmatis damai itu cenderung kurang fight ya. Saat suatu waktu aku pernah (berasa) di-banned atau dijutekkin sama orang, aku memilih jalan safe, alias sebisa mungkin ga berhubungan dengan orang itu lagi. Eits... Bukannya marahan atau memutus silatirahim yah. Beda... Ga seperti itu.

Pun dalam interaksi dengan rekan lain. Kalo rasanya dia pernah suatu waktu ga welcome dengan gangguanku maka rasanya malas untuk berinteraksi dengannya. Bahkan dalam mengirim email pun sudah ada prasangka jelek yang seolah berkata : 'Orang ini ga mau diganggu, pasti email gwe ga dibales' . Dan... ternyata prasangka memiliki kekuatan yang luar biasa. Trully, dari beberapa buyer, yang merespon ke aku hanya 1. pfiuuuhhh...

Dan dialog dengan Pak Aang itupun menyadarkan aku untuk jangan berprasangka yang tidak baik ke orang lain. Sebab imbasnya akan terjadi ke diri kita juga.

Nah, Above all, di luar case internal diriku tadi, sepertinya perusahaan ini juga perlu merevisi total workflow nya. Jadi setiap orang yang minta disevis tentang suatu hal, sudah tau apa tugasnya.

OK. Jadi Dian, kapan kamu move dari situ dan cari yang jauuhhh lebih baik. Nantinya amanah kamu akan bertambah lho. Bukan berganti / switch.

WA Lt. 11 jam 8.32 26/10/2007
Setelah makan mie kangkung dan mau makan bolu gulung dari Pak Andi.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Mati Gaya


Masya ALLAH ...
Napa berasa mati gaya begini?
Hawanya memang belom on untuk ngerjain something.
Browsing pun, lagi ga ada suatu topik yang pengen aku oprek.
Nulis pun... yah beginilah... curhatan ga jelas ngalor ngidul.

Errrghhh... Apa mungkin ini sindrom dah lama ga ketemu sama 'ikan sarden'?

Anyway, ada something yang berbeda juga siyh. Tenggorokanku sedang meradang. Udah seminggu lebih sehari... dan belom hilang juga. Aku udah cek ke dokter truz dikasih sekumpulan obat antibiotik untuk dijejalkan ke dalam tubuhku.

Dan pastinya ... sekarang lagi ngantuk. Mata kriyep-kriyep depan komputer.

WA Lt. 11 jam 8.59

Monday, October 22, 2007

Tulisan ke-100 di Tahun 2007


Inilah posting ke-100 di tahun 2007.
Trully ga ada hal yang (kuanggap) penting untuk ditulis.
Cuma... tulisan ini dibuat berbarengan saat aku lagi mencari cara menikmati under pressure aku. Dan saat yang bersamaan pula, aku musti pintar-pintar menunjukkan wajah cheers up ku padahal sebenernya kelihatan muka-muka orang yang lagi mikirin sesuatu secara dalam. hiks...

WA Lt.11 jam 1.23 PM

Tips Bersyukur


Mencoba cerdas bersyukur, saat si Mba tiada di rumah. Semoga bermanfaat.

Alhamdulillah aku ngerjain cucian dan setrikaan tiga bak penuh; sebab berarti ALLAH memberikan aku dan keluarga nikmat pakaian beraneka warna dan model.
Alhamdulillah aku berhadapan dengan tumpukan piring kotor dan bekas panci yang bersantan, sebab itu tandanya ALLAH mengkaruniakan kami sekeluarga dengan makanan yang lebih dari sekedar membuat kami berdiri tegak, dan malahan kami bisa merengkuh pahala dengan men-share nya.
Alhamdulillah setiap hari aku melemaskan tangaku untuk nyapu dan ngepel lantai yang sepertinya setiap saat berdebu; sebab itu adalah bukti ALLAH menyayangi kami dengan merahmati kami dengan tempat berteduh yang nyaman... bukan tenda penampungan.
Alhamdulillah aku musti telaten dan berhati-hati menurunkan pot untuk disiram pohonnya, karena itu adalah tanda sayangnya ALLAH pada kami menganugerahkan si hijau untuk menyejukkan udara dan penglihatan kami... Debu-debi itu sedikitnya bisa di-reduce.
Alhamdulillah aku yang baru rebahan asiq dan santai di lantai musti tergopoh-gopoh saat ada panggilan dari ibu atau bapak yang memberikan instruksi A, B, C, D, E dan seterusnya, karena itu adalah efek dari ridhoNya ALLAH melalui orang tuaku yang masih lengkap dan sehat dan memberi jalan untukku merengkuh ridhoNya.

Makasih ya ALLAH atas semua Rahmat dan Karunia Mu.

WA Lt.11 jam 8.18
hari pertama ngantor setelah libur lebaran dengan setitik gamang di hati.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Opposite Hope


Ini istilahku aja. Semoga benar secara grammar. Aku ingin menggambarkan bahwa di setiap fase yang kita lalui, ada saja opposite hope. Dan itu sangat mengganggu dan merugikan karena menguras energi.

Contohnya yang kualami sewaktu mengerjakan tugas akhir. Tentunya, kita pengen banget untuk dapet nilai terbaik. Hanya entah kenapa, si opposite hope itu terkadang menyembul di antara feeling-feeling optimisme. Perasaan was was atau khwatir tidak lulus sidang, harus ganti topik, musti sidang ulang, terkadang datang tanpa diundang. Dan menghabiskan energi untukku memompa semangat keyakinan diri. Oohhh... betapa melelahkan.

Dan yang terbaik yang bisa kita lakukan hanyalah meminta kepada Pengatur Semua Urusan agar segala yang menjadi hajat kita dijadikan suatu kenyataan yang indah.

WA Lt. 11 jam 6.55
8 Oktober 2007
setelah akhir pekan yang sempat dilanda setitik opposite hope.
Lancarklan urusan itu Rabb ku...

Friday, October 05, 2007

Hasil Test Tickle di tanggal 5/10/2007 sore hari


Sore menunggu teman pulang yang sedang beberes, kucobalah test di tickle. Temanya What shapes your personality?? & here is the result :

katanya : my personality is shaped by social nature. Ini lambang gambarnya :

Trus, isi tulisannya begini :People like you who are strong in Social skills are energized by active involvement in events and in the world around them. You probably enjoy being engaged in a wide variety of activities that keep you "on the go." You're likely to move into action and to make things happen more naturally than some. In addition, you feel at home in most environments and with most people, which makes you easy to be around.

Let's say, for example, that Sheila's dominant personality type is also Social. Because of this winning quality, she is highly valued and sought after when new projects are forming at work. Her colleagues want her on their teams because they know she is a go-getter and works well in groups. In fact, her well-honed networking skills and her natural ability to draw many friends and acquaintances help her land interesting projects.

When Sheila was laid off, she immediately swung into action and started looking for work. In addition to passive job search methods, such as answering want ads, she employed several active methods. She told her former colleagues and all of her friends that she was available and looking for work. She went to local networking events for people in her field. She even started volunteering at a local nonprofit charity, so she would be putting her time to good use and also because she just enjoyed being around other people while her husband was at work. A few months later, Sheila landed a great job she had heard about through a friend of one of the other volunteers at the charity — a contact Sheila would not have made if she weren't such Social type!

While being Social does have its benefits, there are some less positive tendencies associated with being so active and externally oriented. You may find that you don't think things through thoroughly enough before you jump into them. You might also find that you are doing things for the sake of not sitting still, without having any real intentions. If you are troubled by these tendencies, try taking time out to reflect on your life a little bit each day, perhaps in the form of yoga, meditation, or journal writing.

Trus dijelasin lagi my individual mix of personality types :

In addition to analyzing your presiding personality type, Tickle measured the levels you possess of all eight Jungian-based personality typologies. By looking at your scores on the various scales, you can gain a fuller understanding of the subtleties of your unique personality.

We each exhibit all of these eight types to different degrees and in different instances of our lives. However, as individuals, we generally show a preference for some over others. Some people strive to find balance by trying to raise their scores in their lower-scoring areas, while others prefer to shape their lives around what they naturally do best. This is a personal choice and, now that you know more about your psychological makeup, you are better prepared to make that decision. It's up to you to decide the kind of life you want to live!

You scored 7 on the Social scale. This scale measures the extent to which like relating to the external world around you. 70% of the general population gets high scores on this scale.

You scored 7 on the Intuitive scale. This scale measures the extent to which you like to process information through abstract thought. 30% of the general population gets high scores on this scale.

You scored 7 on the Organized scale. This scale measures the extent to which you like your life to be organized and planned in advance. 50% of the general population gets high scores on this scale.

You scored 6 on the Fair scale. This scale measures the extent to which you like to base your judgments on objective fact. 60% of the general population gets high scores on this scale.

You scored 6 on the Expressive scale. This scale measures the extent to which you value spontaneity and an open-structured existence. 50% of the general population get high scores on this scale.

You scored 5 on the Logical scale. This scale measures the extent to which you like to process information through your five senses. 70% of the general population gets high scores on this scale.

You scored 5 on the Compassionate scale. This scale measures the extent to which you like to base judgments on what you, subjectively, believe to be right. 40% of the general population gets high scores on this scale.

You scored 5 on the Reflective scale. This scale measures the extent to which you like to relate to the internal world within you. 30% of the general population gets high scores on this scale.

Trus ada Take Action nya :
If you decide that you would like to develop some of your less-strong types, try the following five-step method:
1. Identify the type you would most like to develop. You may choose one that you already score well in, or you may choose to develop a lower-scoring type.
2. Read the short description about the mix of qualities in this type and think about the ways that it describes you and the ways that it doesn't.
3. Draw a line down the center of a piece of paper. On one side of the line, write all of the things you already do that exhibit that type. On the other side, write down all of the things that you could do in your life that would express this quality more than you currently do.
4. Visualize yourself in a situation in which you are exhibiting this type. The more you visualize how you want to change and grow, the more likely it is that this change will occur.
5. Keep the list you created in step three in a place where you will see it often. Perhaps by a mirror or on your refrigerator. Even if you think you don't see it, your subconscious mind will pick up on it.

Ada juga How Others See You
When it comes to the image that you project to others, you tend to be seen as a creative or artistic person. Your sensitivity to and appreciation of art or beauty set you apart from the crowd. Whether or not you are skilled in artistic or musical endeavors, people tend to turn to you for a creative outlook or approach to life.

Embrace your inner power to express your experiences in an original way. Whether you are inclined toward the fine arts or you enjoy creative thinking, cooking, dancing, or any number of other forms of expression, you have the imagination it takes to produce great works of originality.

Selanjutnya, Your Personal Outlook
When it comes to the way you see yourself fitting into the world around you, you exhibit a good sense of optimism. You prefer to see life from a positive perspective rather than a negative one, more so than many people. Optimism is the feeling that good things are permanent and that bad things can only get better over time. You tend to believe that good will inevitably win out over evil, that negative things are only temporary, and that the positive aspects of your life are the result of your efforts.

While you may not feel optimistic every waking moment of your life, for the most part you are an optimistic person — and there is power in your optimism. When a skeptic would give up, you keep trying because you believe in yourself and the power of positive thinking. With optimism, you allow yourself to see possibilities and take chances, and these allowances can become incredible resources in less happy times.

Dan terakhir, ada Your Life Focus :
The thing that encourages you most in life — the thing that makes you get up and take action — is the potential you see to make sure your future will be stable, secure, and known. You are probably concerned with stability in many different facets of your life. You take comfort in knowing you're prepared for your future and as such, you take the necessary steps to make your life more predictable. Whether it means setting up a good savings account, educating yourself so you're prepared for your next job, or physically safeguarding your home with alarms and new storm windows, you are on task to make your life secure. It's not that you can't cope with adversity; it's just that you prefer to be prepared for it.

Yah itulah...
Salah satu bentuk test. Satu yang kuyakini, bahwa tiap individu itu punya karakter unik dan dynamic. Mungkin hasil test ku yang sekarang kaya gini. Entah di lain waktu, lain kondisi, bisa jadi aku berubah. Tidak ada yang paling tau diri kita kecuali Pencipta kita. Bahkan diri kita pun harus terus berkenalan dengan diri sendiri, untuk terus tau karakter kita sendiri. Hm... ya, manusia berubah. Suatu saat, kita mungkin kaget menjumpai diri kita yang sekarang jauh berbeda dengan diri kita 5 atau 10 tahun yang lalu, atau bahkan jauh berbeda dengan diri kita yang kemarin.

OK deyh... selamat bertaaruf dengan diri sendiri. Jangan lupa minta guidance sama Pemilik yang Haq atas diri kita yah.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Great Romantic


Ini bukan mau ngebahas great romantic nya Pak Tunde, hanya pengen mengemukakan pendapat kalo romantic itu definisinya sangatlah luas.

Sering disimbolkan dengan rose, coklat, warna serba pink, candle light dinner, de el el.

Tapi pernah ga perhatiin betapa dengan sikap yang biasa aja, itu menggambarkan hal yang romantis.

Niyh contoh konkret... My own parents. Ya, walopun udah nikah 28 tahun, teteup aja kan beda pendapat itu ada, menangan dengan pendapatnya juga ada. Ntar kalo yang satu lebih dominan, yang satu lagi bete... hwa..ha.. =)) Tapi, sebete-bete nya Ibu ke Bapak, Beliau itu ga pernah ngambek untuk ga masak untuk sehari-hari; dan Bapak pun, biarpun Ibu kadang panjang lebar tinggi dalam memberikan komentar sinis terhadap sesuatu, kadang ya diem aja, jadi pendengar yang baik. Dah gitu ga pernah complain untuk jenis masakan apapun yang dimasak. Selalu dihabiskan (ini inherit ke gwe kayanya. he..he..). Dan, kalo Bapak lagi dinas ke Badndung, secara qta tau Bandung itu surganya berbagai jenis makanan- teteup aja Ibu mengkhawatirkan dengan pertanyaan : 'Duh, kasian niyh Bapak, sahurnya makan apa ya?' welehh... anaknya aja ga segitu perhatiannya.
Belum lagi urusan baju, Sang Ibu yang stylish pengen Sang Bapak balance penampilannya dengan Sang Ibu. So... kalo kondangan, baju apa yang dipilihin pun bakalan dipake, walopun (misalkan) bahannya ga nyaman. Walopun juga pakenya di lokasi kondangan, Kalo dari rumah mah pake kaos saja. hwe..he.. (ga bakat jadi pejabat niy kayanya)

That's romantic.

On the other time, when we know there's someone expect us to be there with him / her, that's a kinda romantic thing. But doesn't have to say : I wish U were here with me (hweks...)
When someone changed his / her call from saya - anda into aku - kamu, that's a romantic thing.
When someone understand you why do / don't you join this and that, thats a kinda romantic thing.
So... find the greatest romantic from your spouse, friend, family, and all people around you.

WA Lt. 11 11.53 4/10/2007
Di hari ke-22 bulan penuh Rahmah.