spasi spasi

Bagai kumpulan text, perlu ruang kosong untuk dapat membacanya dengan jelas.

Bagai lokasi, perlu jarak untuk membuatnya tidak sesak.

Bagai runutan peristiwa, perlu jeda untuk mampu mengenang episode yang sudah dilalui.

Bagai gerak, perlu kejap tarikan nafas untuk terus melaju

Monday, May 23, 2011

Change My Mindset


It's no longer win - loose status on spouse relationship.
No more egos from me.
It's only about...
He is not just my husband, more than that, He is my partner in life, and whom will be responsible for all deeds on the last day.
our dreams are high, our best dream is to meet in heaven. So, no more angry to him, no more disobey him, etc. Every bad things that hurt his heart will be a big sin for me.

O My Lord... Help me, and give me the guidance to fulfill my dream. Amien.

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